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Is Your Assisted Living or Business Safe?

Assess Your Vulnerability Now

Sharks Are Circling

Several things are in motion that will make it challenging at best to provide quality service and care to your customers in the near future.

Small/Regional/Mid-Sized businesses are about to be chum for the most massive, deadly business eating sharks the United States has ever encountered. They already smell your blood, have you in sight and are waiting for any opportunity to attack.

The good news is you can reduce the risk of being their next victim, but lets talk about what attracts this particular breed of shark and a possible attack scenario.

They tend to thrive in atmospheres of chaos, new health care regulations, entitlement mentalities, rising workers compensation rates and low organized labor membership. I cannot accurately describe the carnage your business could experience and will certainly witness in the near future. 

Imagine the potential damage a simple email or phone call to a regulatory oversight agency claiming you were not following one of the many new regulations could do to your business. The best case scenario of such a call or email would result in exhaustive investigative site visits, numerous information requests, less time to manage your business and unnecessary legal expenses. The investigators find no evidence the claims were accurate,  however they did alert OSHA and the Department of Labor of other potential violations.

You can imagine the worst case scenarios. Once the sharks begin feeding more bait is exposed, attracting even more sharks.

In either case you're distracted from your business. So much effort is put into defending yourself, revenue begins to drop, you are less visible to employees and customers. Complaints from both increase, affecting your reputation and perception. At this point your bleeding attracts other opportunist. Remember organized labor is attempting to join forces with respected organizations that have deep roots in your community.  

How can you prevent shark attacks and grow your business without the resources of a national company?  

The first step is finding any weaknesses or opportunities you may have.

An excellent source of information is your team member and customer engagement survey results.  

Next review and address all complaints immediately. 

Be proactive. Learn from the Ritz Carlton. Train team members to exceed customer expectations not only how to recover from complaints. 

Best of luck. 

Rick D Watkins



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