It’s all about your TEAM |
A significant predictor of success in the service industry is having all the pieces of the puzzle in the correct place. Have you experienced the frustration when trying to find that missing piece and more than likely have attempted to squeeze a piece into an opening, knowing it wasn't a perfect fit?
There are times when the puzzle is incomplete for months, creating tremendous stress on the other pieces and what about the perception of those who view an incomplete puzzle. If your puzzle could communicate I wonder what it would say. "Hey dummy this piece doesn't fit and we can't do this much longer" or "Do you really care about us?", "I feel so inadequate and incomplete without all of my pieces?", "How do you expect us to make you proud when we are handicapped"?
The beauty and sense of accomplishment when all the pieces are in place is magical.
Have you ever noticed the subtle undercurrents of frustration or comments an upset employee makes when things are not working as planned? Perhaps they are short staffed or simply have unengaged or unqualified peers.
Imagine the impact each of these have on service delivery or team member morale. Equally important, how does if affect service delivery and perceived value?
I know from personal experience, creating a complete puzzle can be an arduous and challenging task.
Completing your puzzle and creating a winning organization share essentials: a service delivery vision and culture which manifest themselves in recruiting, training, employee engagement, service delivery and profit.
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Rick D Watkins
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